
Energy. In dictionary terms it can be defined as the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. But it is so much more than that. In a universal sense, Energy is a life force! Without it there can be no joy, misery, motivation or pleasure in living life and all that it brings to its full capacity. All human beings radiate energy, some of it positive and some of it negative. Energy is transferable and we as human beings feed off the energy that is around us and in our orbit. 

Have you ever been in a certain environment or situation and suddenly found yourself feeling drained? Or been in a place where you can’t help but feel energised and upbeat? That is energy! It is everywhere. Energy is a part of the universe just as we are which is why we find ourselves affected by its presence.

Energy Is balanced. In other words, it can be good or bad, light or dark. etc. However, the extremes  must co-exist as there is not one that outshines or powers over the other. You cannot deny energy’s presence, nor can you alter it all you can do is accept its role in the universe and in our lives. We as human beings thrive on energy, we eat and drink to fuel the energy force that is our body. Which is why It is essential to surround yourself with the right type of energy. Emotionally and mentally energy can take a toll if you are around too much positivity or too much negativity. We must find a balance as anything in excess will take a toll on our well-being. 

Life can be demanding as you try to juggle work, life, family and social commitments and it can be hard to prioritise when you’re trying to maintain a work-life balance. If you’re feeling tired, drained or in need of a break, then maybe a few subtle changes that allow you to restore your energy and find some inner balance is what you need. 

Below are 10 ways to restore your energy and inner balance: 

  1. Drop the busy talk: 
  • Feeling busy is not a badge of honour to wear with pride. It doesn’t feel good. And frankly, it’s likely either poor time management or a lack of prioritisation. I can guarantee that with proper time management and knowing your priorities you will find yourself less” busy” as you have identified your priorities and in turn are paying attention to prioritising yourself by keeping a positive mindset as well as surrounding yourself with the right types of energy. 

2.  Practice Gratitude: 

  • Yes, you’ve got a list of things you need to do piling up in your head, but have you also got a quick list of the things that you are grateful for? Take a second to do that and you will slowly start to have a more positive attitude when it comes to how much you feel is on your plate. In life, it is so easy to get caught up with all the things that are going wrong or adding stress that we forget to be thankful and have gratitude for all that we have and the things that are going right. One must always show gratitude as it is through gratitude that we thank the universe and God for all that has been given to us. 

3. Add a Little Self Care To Your Routine:

-Self care may seem like another thing to add on to your to-do list but trust me you will feel glad that you did. . If you want to catch up on your favourite tv show, do it in the bath or in the spare room away from everyone else in the house. If you have a book you want to finish, go to bed earlier so you have time to read it. Need to pop to the shops to run a few errands? Take a solo coffee break. No judgement on what your idea of self care looks like. The solo time will more than likely have you feeling relaxed by relieving some of the pressure.

4. Stop Rushing Around:

– Are you trying to do a million things at once to get them off your list? Maybe focus on one thing at a time? Move at a steady pace for you, and go at each task one step at a time. You will feel and act calmer as you go on.

5. Eat Properly

– When we feel busy, we tend to grab food and it tends to be out of convenience. Stop the take out and grab as you go. Take a second to be sure that you are eating a well balanced diet. Choose snacks that won’t make you feel tired in a couple of hours’ time. For example, almonds are a great snack to have on hand. Make time to sit and eat meals properly with people – or alone with your thoughts. And stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

6. Reconnect With Nature

  • Get outside. Nature is healing, calming and energising.  Nature can be anything from a walk or picnic in the forest, to some rest and relaxation on a beach. Or better yet, combine nature and exercise and maybe take up a new hobby such as hiking. Breathing In some fresh air whilst enjoying nature is a great way to start your day. 

7. Keep Up With Friends

  • It can be tempting to cancel meeting up with friends or a dinner out after a long day, but you’ll often find that these things can give you energy, just by being around the right type of company for you. Even though heading home for a night on the couch or to catch up on chores might seem like the wise option we as humans need that social time to connect and unwind, so think twice before you cancel social engagements over the other things on your to do list. 

8. Let Go Of Things That No Longer Serve You

 – Do you find that some of your weekly tasks are tiresome and you don’t enjoy them? Moreover, they just are not working for you. Maybe this is a sign that they are making you resentful and stressed and causing more harm than good. If that is the case, maybe it’s time to start letting those things go. This is the time to think about letting those things go. Side note: This goes for certain people in your life as well. Do with that as you will. 

9. Move Your Body

  • When we’re busy, we may not have time for a 90 minute gym session, but we do have time to walk t instead of driving. We can do a quick 15 minute yoga video to unwind from a busy day at work. We can even have an impromptu dance party in the kitchen or before taking a shower. Moving your body gets all the stagnant energy moving and releases all of those happy endorphins you hear so much about. 

10. Schedule In Your Down Time

– Let’s normalise prioritising rest, shall we? When small children don’t nap, they get cranky and difficult. Well guess what?  so do Adults! The chores can wait, that work email can wait, the gym can wait. You don’t need to have every second of your day scheduled to feel accomplished. Got nothing planned this evening? Fantastic! Grab a glass of wine and watch that Netflix film everyone has been talking about. 

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